Rose and Thistle 158 Installation 12th April 2023
After the Lodge was opened and business completed, VWBro Geoffrey Herbert Lee the Representative of the PrGM entered the Lodge, accompanied by a host of Grand Officers, and was welcomed by the WM WBro John Champney. 
This was a special meeting for VWBro Geoffrey Lee as it would be his last Representation as DPrGM. To mark this occasion he was accompanied by the APrGMs WBro Giles Berkley and VWBro John Bicknell.
WBro. Tony Farrar  the DPrGDC and the APrGDCs W.Bro Terry Dickinson and Gordon Glover led the Salutations to Grand and Provincial Grand Officers.
The WM then delivered an excellent Ceremony of Installation that culminated in Bro. Ian Dawson being placed in the Chair of Adoniram. WBro. Chris Furmston presented and explained the Keystone Jewel. The Working Tools were explained by WBro Terry Dickinson. The Address to the Master was delivered by WBro Derek Todd, to the Wardens by VWBro Terry Maybury and to the Overseers by WBro David Porter and the address to the Brethren by VWBro Geoffrey Lee.
On completion of the Installation VWBro Geoffrey Lee brought the best wishes of the RWPrGM. The WM thanked him and presented to him cheques in favour of West Lancs Mark Charity, the Brick and Pemberton Masonic Hall.
VWBro Lee then asked the DPrGDC to present the IPM W.Bro John Champney to him. He advised the IPM that he had noticed he was a PrOfficer from Cheshire. This situation he advised needed to be remedied and informed the IPM he was giving him a Field Promotion to PPSGD in West Lancashire. An astonished WBro Champney warmly thanked him for the honour bestowed on him. 
As the Lodge was closed the Brethren moved to the Dining Room to enjoy good food, fine wine and stimulating company. There  they could reflect on an evening that would be remembered for three especial reasons. 
Words and pictures by Martin Stokes